30 August 2006

Why Instruction Manuals Are A Good Thing

I think most of you are aware that I signed up for a beginner sewing class. Through osmosis and a seamstress mother I know the basics of sewing, but I have never been interested in sitting down and learning how to sew correctly. Sure I have made 2 throw bags and I'm quite impressed that they have not fallen apart yet as the first one was done mostly by hand. So last Saturday was my first class. I woke up a bit excited (cause i'm a dork) and packed everything. The machine, the manual, the pins and needles, the fabric and thread, you get the point. I even had to bring my own iron and towel. (Since I wasn't going to an established fabric store but the gay and lesbian center .. I had to bring everything but the kitchen sink.) I get my coffee and crap and head out the door. I was even 15 minutes early, which by LA standards, I was an hour early. But this is a good thing! As I start to set up my table I realize that I FORGOT THE POWER CORD! Argh! I knew I didn't have to dig to the bottoms of the two giant bags of stuff that I brought... I knew exactly where it was, yes, home in the dining room closest ... One shelf above where I keep the machine...

So, what did I do next? You know I ran my ass to my car, blew down Santa Monica Blvd like I was in labor, pulled in the driveway, threw the car in park, (blocked the only way in or out of the complex), ran inside, grabbed the cord and was right back in my seat in class within 15 minutes! To those of you who have ever driven down Santa Monica Blvd.. you know this was an amazing feat. Whew

So I arrive to class (on time, thank you very much) to the cheers "She made it" from 5 lovely gay men. I was the only girl. LOL.. bet you don't see that at many sewing classes...

Let me take a moment to describe some of the boys in the class. One purchased his extremely old machine from Out of the Closet, he has never sewn and brought a bag of fabric hoping to start a quilt. One forgot his power cord (not me) and didn't live close enough to fly home and get it. Another one was quite normal, normal as in he is somewhat familiar with sewing and read the instructors supply list and brought the proper fabric and notions. Then there is "Satin". Satin is special for a couple of reasons.
1-He brought satin fabric to class because he liked it better than "plain ol' cotton" that we are supposed to bring for our projects.

2-He purchased his machine the night before class.

3-He didn't think he needed the manual, so he didn't look at it.

4-drumroll please.......... he thought you used the foot pedal like a mouse. Yes, you read right! He actually said (with his hand on his hip). "How am I supposed to move the fabric if my hand is on the pedal"

Ok now, part of me felt bad for laughing out loud (i wasn't the only one) But part of me wanted to asked him where the hell he got that idea. I surveyed a few people in the past few days (all of whom have never sewn)... they ALL knew that the pedal goes on the floor...

At this point I realize that class is more remedial rather than beginner.. but at least I had a good laugh. And yes, I am going back for part 2 this saturday. I'll post picts of my projects and maybe my classmates (you can try to figure out which one is Satin).

22 August 2006

Happy Birthday Leo's

Happy Birthday Evan!

This is my baby. I don't think I can call him my baby anymore. As of yesterday, my baby, my son, Evan, officially became a teenager! Yes can you believe at the young age of 24, I am the mother of a 13 year old male. (ok, ok.. i'm not 24, more on my age later). Just look at him! 13! Hormones, mustaches, and girls! OH MY! I don't know if I'm ready. Really. This is scary. With hormones come attitude, with mustaches I have to give him more bathroom time and with girls, well, that would just mean more hormones calling my house! Haven't scientist found the cure for the common teenager yet?

In all honesty I have to say, I am a bit scared but I'm also proud. I would not trade him for the world. As hard as it was when I was young and trying to survive with a baby, It was hard, really hard and you know what... I have no regrets. I have an amazing young man who I am lucky enough to call my son. Happy Birthday Evan. I love you.

Happy Birthday Leo (part 2)

Saying I'm the mother of a 13 year old is hard. But to tell you that I just turned 36 is easy! I love my birthday. I love the presents and cards and cake (and more cake). (does that make me vain?) I love 1 whole day being all about me. Its almost like a get out of jail free card. I can do whatever I want because ITS MY BIRTHDAY! I had one of the best weekends!

Friday: I made my favorite chocolate chip cheesecake. This, I will admit, is usually only shared with a minimum amount of people and then I eat the rest. I kid you not. I have been known to keep this cheesecake in my fridge with a fork in the cake so all I have to do is open the door, pull out the cake take a bite and put it back in for later. This year I took the oh so yummy cheese cake to work to share with friends (there is a whole other story around this that I will share later). Thank goodness I only had two pieces, the rest was devoured my office mates. I so wanted more but my pants were telling me to share or go shopping for bigger clothes.

Friday night: I was set to be alone with a movie and sandwich when I was surprised by my neighbor with a raspberry Danish with candles for me to blow out... Thanks Miranda and Indy. (please don't ever move)

Saturday: Oh Saturday! First I got up to help friends tape a tv pilot. I got to be the soundguy. Not sure how good I did, but it was fun. This used a living room with wall to wall bookcases: (this is only have the wall)

Promptly at 12:15 I left the taping to head home to grab my yarn bag and then to meet Lori and head to the Fiber and Bead Fest in Santa Monica. Half an hour and two buses later, there we were. Oh I swear I heard angels singing. Yarn in every stage, Beads, Fabric and even antique buttons. No kids, no significant others asking "are you done yet?" We had all day! It was great. Heres a few picts:

Did you notice my spindle?? Read all about mine and Lori's spindle purchases in Sachi's blog. She is quite the pusher! I soooo addicted! After a day of shopping and a quickie spinning lesson (thanks Sachi) it was back to the bus. Another 1/2 on the bus and a 1/2 hour walk back to West Hollywood, Lori and I had dinner at Panini on Santa Monica Blvd. I don't think I got home until around 9:00. and yes, I did spin some before i passed out!

Sunday, Maria and I finally spent sometime together: Lunch at Chin Chin on Sunset, laying in the grass at Echo park and a Thai massage, my weekend was complete! Thanks Everyone.

02 August 2006


So, I walk into the ole pharmacy during my lunch break for some feminine essentials, otherwise known as TAMPONS. (For the reminder of this post TAMPONS will be in caps, just so you all can understand my angst). So i have to walk to the last aisle and hidden on the bottom shelf are 3 choices of TAMPONS. I make my choice and head to the counter to pay for my little box o' TAMPONS. The lovely young lady behind the counter rings me up, takes my money and place my purchase in a plastic bag, but she doesn't give me the bag. Instead she asks if I prefer a brown paper bag... Why? I ask. She doesn't speak (as god as forbidden the young to say TAMPON). And then she proceeds to tap, tap, tap on the box in the plastic bag. Huh? Why? Because I'M ON MY PERIOD???? I ask. She looks at me as if i just swore at the holy mother. I sweetly take my bag while laughing and proceed back to my office.

Here's my rant.... I've experienced this before... and for some reason i became a bit obsessive about this for a brief moment after I left the store, so much so, I had to share my experience with you. I'm not exactly sure why we women have to whisper, have to hide the fact that WE ARE NORMAL, HEALTHY WOMEN. Without the TAMPONS.. well... we won't go there.. but it would be really messy. Its just blood, its normal, its mother natures self cleaning system and it lets us know that we can still give the gift of life. I'm not saying we should shout it from the roof tops or announce "aunt flow is visiting" on a t-shirt, but HELLO... its really no big deal...

So, next time you have to make that purchase.. go to the store, find a pre-pubescent male and proudly ask: Can you show me where the TAMPONS are? And just watch him squirm...