09 January 2006

Time to get off my a**!

I hate new years resolutions! They are set up for failure. Think about it.. we all get really excited.. "This year, I resolve to be a better person" or the most popular " I will lose weight!" and one week into the new year most of us will not be that better person probably because some moron pissed us off. (and in LA, there are many many mornons). And of course someone has to eat those leftover holiday cookies and boxes of chocolate. Right?

I really didn't have a resolution this year, but at 11:55 on New years eve, as Evan, Maria and myself sat and watched Dick Clark we started talking about resolutions. So, I think... yes, I really will try to be "the better person" and I will work really hard to not get so stressed at work. I secretly promised myself to try to be healthier.. note: i did not say that i would lose weight. that should come with being healthier ... a nice little white lie to myself....

Cut to a week later when I had the opportunity to recieve a free heart screen from a top cardiologist at work. Sure I have a strong family history on my mothers side of my family, sure I have a horrible diet.. but my cocky self went in thinking that I would hear that I am in great health.. just need to lose a few pounds is all... But to my Heart Health Horror.... check out these results... (and i'm sharing with you so that you will all help me in my current endeavor to get off my ass!)

Total Cholesterol 166 (good)
Total LDL (the bad cholesterol) 75 (so good it wasn't even on the scale)
Total HDL (the good cholesterol) 35 (so, so bad. normal low is 50)
Total Triglycerides 280 (very very bad. this number should be below 150)

BMI (body mass index) 26.3 (high - 28 is considered obese)
Weight 158 at the doctors office --- 153 at home... of course i am going with the lower of the two

The good news is- If I make some changes in my diet.. ie: more veggies, fiber and water, you know.. all the good stuff.. and GET OFF MY ASS .... i will be fine... which is hard to do when your hobbies are knitting and reading.. (you should see my slender wrists... they are HOT!)

So forget being a better person... i'm going to be grumpy from the "better eating habits" that I am trying to start. Notice that I am not saying "diet" i hate that word... and as of today, me and a co-worker have joined the gym at work..... this should help.. i just hope that i can keep it up! Believe it or not.. i used to be a gym rat! But that was a long time ago.. I still often wonder what George had in his little black bag... (Norma... that last comment was for you)... ha ha ha..

So, what am i going to do now... ....... knit of course! I'll go to the gym tomorrow... i promise...


Blogger Lori said...

Hmmm, it might be possible to knit and ride an exercise bike--you know the kind that sort of recline so your knitting won't get caught in the pedals...

2:04 PM  
Blogger tk said...

ohhh.. i like that idea!

6:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seeing the Doc Fri (1/20) to get the results from my blood test.

10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Lori's idea - sit on the exercise bike and knit - should be able to do it as you are truly a multi-tasker!!

8:16 AM  

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